Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
Gods Of Elfpack Banners / Gods Of Elfpack Temples / Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions
Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-08-01 [Ultra Hunger]: lol none ha ha ha just wanted to get you going ha ha your fine

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: *he's so mean*

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: I would kick you if my legs extended that far! lolol

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: LMAO!!!

2005-08-01 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha ha =P

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: lol

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: *this whole crew is nuts*

2005-08-01 [Ultra Hunger]: i know thats what makes it fun we're MAD!

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: I see you all can talk some shit.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: mad as in luney bin crazy MOFO's??? or mad as in pissed?

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: i would say totally insane, gone, nutso, loco.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: ahh okay..not me i'm too reserved

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: you're just as insane, reserved or not.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: i'm not insane...i'm psychotic sometimes but not insane

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: same differance, i'm schizoid myself, its all good.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: dat's cool

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: yea i tend to talk to myself a lot, scored really high.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: ah..i'm not a complete psycho..just some of the things i do make ppl think i am

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: I wouldn't say i'm a complete psycho either, but my ppl tell me i am. Then again, their just as nuts as i am.

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: meh

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: *steals chicken from Ash*

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: *hits richard on the head with his own chickin*

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: *laughs*

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Bitch give it back!!!

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: Wow and so the fun begins. *laughs harder*

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Urgh, shes my sister. *grabs chicken*

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thats why its so much fun.

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: *tackles richard*

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Jessi turn off that cd its annoying!!

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: y i have a cd player on iur the only one tht can hear it

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: put up louder. LOL

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: <img:> that's hilarious

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: hmmmmmmmmmm reminds me of my cat

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: .....GRRRREAT

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: *dances*

2005-08-01 [Ultra Hunger]: OMG THE POOR THING HELP HIM!!!!!!

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: he looks scared shitless,

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: the vet put it on him so he can't scratch his stitches

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: poor baby

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: serves him right for going out and getting into a fight with another (much larger) cat..he's got 4 stitches right behiond his ear and that things on him so he can't open the stitches up when he scratches..and did you knwo that they can prescribe codine for cats??? that's what the little pricks medicine is...codine..too bad i'm allregic to it otherwise i'd be up in the clouds right now

2005-08-01 [skullhead]: Wtf that’s Carnival’s cat

2005-08-01 [Ultra Hunger]: ha drug addict

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: no it isn't..that's my cat i took that pic last night and i'm not a drug addict i just happen to know quite a few...i actually very rarely do anything that's considered a drug..i don't smoke anything at all, i won't touch needles, and i only take what pills are subscribe to me in safe amounts

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thats cool, can i have some of his meds

2005-08-01 [skullhead]: You know what they say pets become similar to their owners : )

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: lol, thats true

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: they're only 50mg..they won't do shit to you...with codine you need atleast 400 before it starts to work...i take 800mg ibprofens for my knee...and that cat's NOTHING like me...he's hyper and retarded..i'm quite (for the most part) and lazy

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: I've taken up to 1000mg and they're ok, but don't really do shit.

2005-08-01 [skullhead]: cool we have a swearing contest! in EP

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: yea saw that,

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: nto really it just kinda dulls it some for me if i want full relief i take 2 of deez and doze

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: don't blame you,

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: for what??? not being able to stand 1600mg of ibprofen....i take 2 of those and i feel nothing..i just have trouble staying away for the next few hours

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: sorry, i meant about the pain

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: eh i deal with of the drawbacks of playing baseball and getting hit in the knee with a fastball

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: yea ok

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello peoples im back..and UT i have a pic on my house of my dads engine he has in his 81 camaro if you are interested..

2005-08-01 [Undertow]: ..not really i've installed a 327 in a 74 malibu a 305 in an 84 mustang and a 350 in a feul injected 98 camaro Z28

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: your point is?...

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Oh my god, I am not reading that at all.

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: damn you could be a little nicer about it.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Im just being forward is all.

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: sometime you

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: sometime you're a little to forward, and it comes out kind of nasty, at lease to me it does

2005-08-01 [Homewrecker]: wow im with crowe on this

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thats cause he's your bro

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Umm, I dont think what I said was nasty or rude but ok?

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: sorry don't mean to make trouble, its just the way it sounded to me.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Its ok.

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: mom tells me that all thew time..dont fdeel bad what are you not reading..the millions of comments left?i siad that when i came

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: I read all, next time i'll just keep my mouth shut, but i though we could say anything here.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: You can. But if I aint in the argument, then I dont read anything.

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: i didn't say you were in an argument, i said you sounded a bit rude thats all.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: I didnt say you did, I just said that usually if I am not apart of a debate then I just say I aint reading it or i am illiterate.

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: i like to read, so i read all. sorry if came off wrong, didn't mean to. going to the corner now and taking my punishment like a good little girl.

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..who is debating or was debating?i missed it....

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: don't know, i'm lost now,

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im sorry,was i the one that got you lost??i didnt mean to i was just asking..he said something about someone agrueing..

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: its ok, i mistook what SC said to be rude when he was only being forward.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: urgh, forget i said anything

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: does that mean i can come out of my corner now. LOL

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: yes

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thank you.

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: y/w

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...we need a dunce corner in

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: that would be were i was standing. LOL

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: slow...

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: i am 2

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: the corner where I stood for thinking SC was being rude.

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: but you didnt do anything wrong so why were you in the dunce corner??

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: cause i opened my mouth and mistook forwardness for rudeness

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: but...oh what lost now..

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: its confussing.

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yes it

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: any way its over now and i'm no longer punishing myself, all is good

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: morning everyone

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: morning?what time is it there??

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: morning to you Shadow

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: it's 8:10am here

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: 6:12 pm here

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: on tuesday morning

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: its 512 pm here in Texas on Monday

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: Monday here too

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: hardyha! i'm ahead of you both!

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: looks that way LOL

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah me and richard have the same

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles*

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: where you from

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: Australia

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thats far, never been there.

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: ooo

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: been to paris and england, maybe I'll get there one day

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: *giggles*

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: "sits and smiles*

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Ive been to Canada and Mexico. And all the states except Hawaii and Alaska. I really want to go to Tuscany Italy.

2005-08-01 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles*

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: thats sounds like fun, i want to go to hawaii to visit the black beach and the volcanos

2005-08-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i have drove through oklahoma,kansas,iowa,nebraska,alabama,missisipi,georgia and florida..those are the only places i have been with the execption of texas b/ i live

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: I hate it in Texas, I liked Colorado and New Meico

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: been through some of those states, have family living in georgia, florida, new jersey, new york and california

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: Urgh, I neverliked California

2005-08-01 [Shatureel]: I don't like it either, the earth moves to much for my taste.

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: *yawns*

2005-08-02 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: my dads side of the family is so big i cant begin to tell you what states they live[Shadowsoul] you tired??its 8:28pm

2005-08-02 [iCh3wi]: No, now its 930 pm. lolol

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: 10:30 over here

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles* nope, i haven't slept in two dayd

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles* nope, i haven't slept in two days

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: wow i'm going on 34 hrs with out sleep,

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: i've just had very sleepless nights *frowns*

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: normal for me, don't sleep much, usually 3 hours a day. when i do.

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: ...that's sad if you haven't slpet in that long

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: i need sleep, it's not normal for me and i don't function well in school when i don't sleep

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: no i understand,

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: same here

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: i have an exchange student who likes to watch movies til late at night and then i can't get to sleep after that, i'm not allowed to sleep in my own bed. That's probably why i haven't slept well

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: oh, that sucks..where from?

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: [Undertow] Te Amo Mel

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: yea thats not right

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: you know what I just said?

2005-08-02 [Shadowsoul]: i do!

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: you said that you love him

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: I siad "I Love You Hunny"

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: Mel means hunny?

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: ......your starting to scare me

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: good.... BOO

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *giggles*

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: hello any body home. *echo bounces of the walls*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: *slap*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: I kicked out Lildevilboy14 for being an idiot

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: who you slapping, boy

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: whos that

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: [Capture And Embrace.] and [lildevilboi] can anyone tell me why they don't think these two are not the same person?

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: I won't know don't know either one

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Because it's proof idiot.

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: same age, same state, have a relation even though he told me he doesn't know who this person is.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: did he just call you an idiot

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Dude remember I'm 12 years old stupid. I don't even know who he is.

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: you can't get me in trouble devil boy for speaking my mind in my own wiki and you are more than welcome to stay here and debate this but I am 100% sure that those two screen names is you

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: why do you have a relation with him then?

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: you tell people your 15 though

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: even under this name you say your 15

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: I kno a few who do

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Yeah so I'm 12 years old. Ask my girlfriend. I tell people I'm 15 because they treat me different then I am when I'm 12.

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: unless you have hard proof that its not you then I am going to go on believing that its you

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I can't prroove it but if it's what you believe than whatever. *shrugs*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: whya re you running to the guards if you don't care?

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *sits back and watches*

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Because you bug me about it and tell everyone I cyber with guys when I specifically had them put a message on my house if your smart enough to read it.

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: thats why you made a spawn screen name so you could do it. you were telling me how you turned bi for a while. people probably wouldn't cyber with you under your real name so you made a fake one so you could

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Whatever if I did..I would put bi not same...

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: why would someone from the same state as you make the same screen name as you without the numbers on the end?

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Hell if I know..Stalkers?

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: I sent a message to ringbearer about it so....

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *could be, you never know,*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: I told him how you used it to cyber with people

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: What are you talking about?! I don't cyber anymore.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *12 is young to be cybering*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: ya thats why I turned him down

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Bull shit I didn't even ask you your the one that wanted to see my dick.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *Cocky little sucker*

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: whats that have to do with anything?

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Cybering fuck face. Your the one that was like can I stick my dick oin your butt. I should call the cops...they'll have fun...and then when you go to jail for sexual harrasment...the bad men in jail will do baaad things...and you know you'll like it.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: talking to myself, has nothing to do with you, so don't get on my case ok

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: it's okay Sha he wasn't talking to you.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: thank you.

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yeah.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: I think he's cute, and cocky is good.

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Hah. Because I know I'm right.

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: .........danny you even being on here is an amazement to me...shouldn't ou be out whorring yourself to some guy in his 40's that can't get it anywhere else? or is it just your mommy raped you too hard with a dildo

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Fuck you UT. I'm not here wit hyour bullshit so I don't wanna hear it. I'm not some fucking whore like you are so shut your punk ass up.

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: could be, I don't know you or the other person, so I won't judge.

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: hah i knew it, your mother fucked you too hard so you can't be otu behind the local 7-11 giving handjobs for milk money anymore..HAHA!! oh and btw... i can't stand anything dont' call me that you little bitch

2005-08-02 [Ultra Hunger]: UT I know you'll back me up on this don't you think [Capture And Embrace.] and [lildevilboi] are the same exact people?

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: umm according to the IP adresses indeed they are

2005-08-02 [Shatureel]: *sits back and watches once again falling silent*

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I asked the guards and they said it's not me fuck you UT

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: .......sure you did..that's the reason why it tells the members of the secret service the exact same IP adress that is specfic to your computer as your profile then??? and btw the guards on EP can't get your ip adress only the secret service has access to it..and please you gave yourself a fucking COOL POINT! and your other profile gave yourself one back!

2005-08-02 [Undertow]: so just stop denying it you little poser have 2 screen names!

2005-08-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Whatever you fuck nut.

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